Certified Manager of Quality Organizational Excellence

Develop the skills and knowledge to help your organization drive improvement to your bottom line. Nearly every organization knows that it needs to improve, whether through cost reduction, productivity gains, customer relationships, revenue growth or how it treats its people. Although line management is ultimately responsible, most organizations have realized that they can get results much more quickly if they have skilled internal champions, individuals who have the tools, knowledge and people skills to get others to want to do what needs to be done. This program, developed by the American Society for Quality (a global organization devoted to improvement), will equip participants to expand their leadership role in bringing about improvement. The program will enable participants to write the ASQ-administered certification examination.

Dates: October 15 – 16, November 13 & 27, 2014.

Investment $2,295 per person, which includes a comprehensive notebook, hardcover reference book (New Edition), 1 year membership in ASQ and fee for the certification exam. Lunches and refreshments are included.

Click the link for additional information: Certified Manager of Quality Organizational Excellence

For more information or to register, contact Chuck O’Malley, LTKC at comalley@loyalistc.on.ca, or call 613-969-1913 x 2504.

Presentation Skills Post

Whatever your role within your organization, at some point you may be required to communicate results or ideas to an audience. These situations are opportunities to showcase your individual talents and skills and those of your team.

The emphasis of this two-day interactive workshop will be on practice.  It will offer simple, easy to practice tools and techniques to help you:

  • Cope with anxiety and nerves
  • Structure your material for the best impact
  • Present effectively to audiences of varied sizes
  • Get your message across in a memorable and lasting way

Date: September 24, 2014

Investment: $899.00 + HST (includes lunch, parking and materials)

Click the link for additional information: Presentation Skills

To register or for more information, contact: Tiffeny Dyck tdyck@loyalistc.on.ca 613-969-1913 Ext. 2294

Ozone Depletion Prevention

The Province of Ontario Ministry of the Environment regulates the training and certification of all persons who handle refrigerants, including technicians who service automotive air conditioning systems, and require that anyone who handles refrigerants to be certified through the HRAI (Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada). Environmental Awareness Certificate (Ozone Depletion Card) Renewal Environmental Awareness (ODP) certificate holders are required to update their information and renew their certificate every five years, before the certificate’s renewal date, upon payment of a renewal fee. Individuals who allow their ODP certification to expire must attend this one-day course and write the corresponding exam.

Investment: $200.00 + HST

Click the link for additional information: Ozone Depletion Prevention

To register or for more information, contact: Tiffeny Dyck tdyck@loyalistc.on.ca 613-969-1913 Ext. 2294

May 6, 2017
August 26, 2017

Forklift Operator Training

This is a compliant course designed for inexperienced forklift drivers and those with moderate prior experience operating a motorized, counterbalanced forklift. Your Forklift Operator Safety Certificate is valid for a three-year period. If your card has expired, you too will need this training session. This course meets or exceeds all Ontario and CSA regulations and standards. Reach truck training is also available to corporate clients at no extra cost!

Investment: $249.00 + HST

Click the link for additional information: Forklift Operator Safety

To register or for more information, contact: Tiffeny Dyck tdyck@loyalistc.on.ca 613-969-1913 Ext. 2294

Building your Social Media Hub

Yes – you can build relationships, foster trust, and prove your expertise with social media – but not without mitigating the risk of social media and following best practices. Your company’s approach to social media is pivotal to your online marketing success. Learn best practices of social media by CEOs and top brands. And remove the pressure to rush onto the “social media” bandwagon. Instead, you’ll learn the first steps to strengthen your social media marketing –and it starts with improving your website content and extending that to your social media content.

 BONUS inclusions for this workshop:

  • ‘How to Use Twitter for Your Business’ E-book
  • ‘How To Fix Your Website Content To Attract More Prospects’ – E-book
  • Lunch included

Date: October 23, 2014

Investment: $349.00 + HST (includes lunch, parking and materials)

Click the link for additional information: Building Your Social Media Hub

To register or for more information, contact: Tiffeny Dyck tdyck@loyalistc.on.ca 613-969-1913 Ext. 2294

Train the Trainer

In a Global Environment where new technologies, mergers, acquisitions, and alliances are creating hyper-competition and market complexity, we find businesses operating now under new rules: built to last now means built to change; systems integration now must include people integration; company leadership now requires a new approach to leadership and leadership development. Organizations now must have a goal that everyone continually acquire new knowledge and skills and more importantly, that everyone pass their learning on to others. The Train the Trainer course is one of the most powerful tools that is transforming traditional organizations into “Learning and Teaching” organizations. By implementing a Train the Trainer program internally, the organization is ensuring that knowledge is being transferred in a manner that is consistent with organizational values, goals and strategic direction.

Dates: February  12 & 26, 2015

Fee: $899 + HST (includes lunch and parking)

For additional information, please click the link below: Train the Trainer

To register, contact: Tiffeny Dyck tdyck@loyalistc.on.ca 613-969-1913 ext. 2294

Maximizing Employee Contributions

If your workforce is focused on continuous improvement, it is imperative that managers develop the leadership skills that exceptional managers use to motivate and engage staff to achieve performance levels that exceed previous expectations. Maximizing Employee Contributions teaches managers and company executives how to use leadership techniques that encourage employees to contribute more, and adapt more quickly to everyday change and stress, while maintaining highly productive working relationships. This course will provide participants an immediate return on investment! A key learning component of the course is the Leadership and Employee Engagement Skills Inventory, a feature that allows the evaluation of current working relationships with staff and supervisors, and applies new productivity-building techniques into the workplace immediately. Dates: February 19 & 20, 2014 Fee: $995 + HST (includes lunch and parking) For additional information, click the link below: <a href="http://www.loyalisttraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Maximizing-Employee-Contributions.pdf” target=”_blank”>Maximizing Employee Contributions To register, contact: Madeleine Fraser mfraser@loyalist.on.ca 613-969-1913 ext. 2294

Email Marketing Workshop

Need to get in touch with new and existing clients consistently? Learn what it takes to get prospects to respond to your emails, e-newsletters and other online messages in this full day workshop. Create campaigns online that nurture relationships and keep clients coming through the door. Learn from multiple examples, practice and time to write your next campaign. Date: January 28, 2014 Fee: 349.00 + HST (Includes materials, parking, lunch and refreshments) CLICK HERE for additional information. To register, contact Madeleine Fraser 613-969-1913 ext. 2294 mfraser@loyalistc.on.ca

Project Management Professional Exam Prep

PMI’s Project Management Professional (PMP)® credential is the most important industry-recognized certification for project managers. Globally recognized and demanded, the PMP® demonstrates that you have the experience, education and competency to lead and direct projects. This recognition is seen through increased marketability to employers and higher salary; according to many market surveys, certification positively impacts project manager salaries. Corporations recognize PMI certification as the standard for the skills and expertise that a project manager needs to have. Dates: February 5, 12, 19, 26 & 27, 2014 Fee: 2,195.00 + HST (Includes materials, parking, lunch and refreshments) CLICK HERE for additional information. To register, contact Madeleine Fraser 613-969-1913 ext. 2294 mfraser@loyalistc.on.ca

Ontario Health and Safety Basic Certification – Level 2

For Office Environments

Each firm is responsible for conducting a hazard assessment, which determines its Certification Part 2 training needs. This one day program is more suited for an office environment covering the following topics:

  • Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Prevention
  • Focus on Falls
  • Violence in the Workplace

Date: December 12, 2013 Fee: $199 + HST CLICK HERE for additional information.


For Manufacturing Environments

Each firm is responsible for conducting a hazard assessment, which determines its Certification Part 2 training needs. This one day program is more suited for a manufacturing environment covering the following topics:

  • Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Prevention
  • Focus on Falls
  • Basic Machine Safety
  • Lockout and Tagout

Date: December 17-18, 2013 Fee: $399 + HST CLICK HERE for additional information. To register, contact Mike McDermott 613-969-1913 ext. 2273 mmcdermo@loyalistc.on.ca